@ No usage of the name “Razmafzar” is allowed without Dr. Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani’s permission. Richard Nable (USA) is a police Lieutenant for a metropolitan police department in the Southeastern United States. He began policing in 1987 after receiving a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Richmond, VA. He is a SWAT sniper and team leader, department rangemaster, and instructor primarily in police weapons, tactics and survival.  The areas of expertise of Richard include: SWAT operations, weapons expert, weapons ban versus weapons on the street, search and seizure procedures, vehicle pursuits, defensive driving, use of force and general police procedures. Richard has written two books Searching for Evil and the Perfect Donut and Confronting Evil on police work and authored a number of articles for law enforcement professional publications. Richard is an expert on ancient Iranian copper-alloyed and iron weapons and has written many expertise papers on them.  Richard worked as an editor for the book "Lexicon of Arms and Armor from Iran: A Study of symbols and Terminology" by Dr. Khorasani.  Currently he is working on a number of articles on ancient Persian weapons together with Dr. Khorasani. Team